Health care in Norway

All citizens in Norway have the right to necessary medical help. The Norwegian legal framework will contribute to secure the population equal access to medical help of a good quality by giving patients health service rights.

To be treated at one of our hospitals you need to be admitted by your doctor. Everyone who is resident in a Norwegian municipality is entitled to be registered as a patient with a primary doctor (GP). This means everyone who is registered in the Population Register as resident in a Norwegian municipality. In addition, asylum seekers and their family members are also entitled to be registered with a primary doctor (GP). The right lapses if the asylum application is rejected. This is called the primary doctor scheme. The scheme is voluntary, but if you choose not to be part of it, you must find a doctor yourself. 

If you are a member of the National Insurance Scheme, as a patient in Norway you have certain rights towards the health services. Free hospital choice gives you the option to choose what hospital you want to be treated or considered in. You are entitled immediate and necessary medical help. You are entitled access to your medical journal and information about possible risks and side effects. If you are hurt as a result of treatment failure within the health service, you have a right to compensation. 

When you are admitted to hospital and are a member of the National Insurance Scheme, you do not pay for treatment, medication or hospital accommodation. Expectant mothers do not pay for any pregnancy check-ups. Children under the age of 12 do not pay any medical user fees, and anyone under the age of 18 who requires psychological help does not have to pay any treatment fees. Fees required for children under the age of 16 may be added to the fees of a parent. If the total amount of fees exceeds the annual upper limit, the child and parent are entitled to a fee exemption card (frikort).

All persons that are not permanent residents of Norway will be personally responsible to compensate (pay) the hospital for any and all medical attention received. This includes Norwegian nationals residing (living) abroad. 

Persons permanently residing in most countries of the world are required to show a valid proof of insurance issued by a legitimate and accepted Insurance company to avoid making personal payment for medical attention. Presentation of a certificate of pre approval on an E112 form issued by your country of residence within the European Union, together with proof of identification, will also qualify for personal payment exemption. You may also be exempt from making personal payment if you possess and present a valid European health care card.

Life saving emergency medical care will be given without exception and regardless of resident status, however not changing the compensation responsibility. 

Last updated 10/31/2017